Eigojan!! - 英語初級者・中級者向け



Credit (20 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈkred.ɪt/ US /ˈkred.ɪt/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈U〉『信用』 / 〈U〉『信望』,名声 / 〈U〉(…に対する)『賞賛』,『名誉』《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《通例a~》(…にとって)『名誉となるもの』(『人』)《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈U〉信用貸し,掛け売り,信用取引,クレジット / 〈U〉支払い猶予期間 / 〈U〉(人の経済的)信用度 / 〈U〉〈C〉(銀行の)預金[額];債権 / 〈C〉貸し方 / 〈C〉《米》(科目の)単位 / 〈事〉'を'『信用する』,信ずる(trust) / 〈金額〉'を'(…の)貸し方に記入する,口座に入れる《+『名』〈金額〉+『to』+『名』》;(ある金額を)…‘ / の'貸し方に記入する,口座に入れる《+『名』+『with』+『名』〈金額〉》 / (…を)〈人〉‘が'持っていると考える《+『名』〈人〉+『with』+『名』(doing)》
中国话 (Simplifized):信贷 (Xìndài)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Credit Agricole was cut from Aa1 to Aa2 and Societe Generale from Aa2 to Aa3.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Credit Agricole, BNP Paribas and Societe Generale all face a possible downgrade because they could face losses if Greece defaults.

Middle (18 回使われました) (Level 1)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈmɪd.l̩/ US /ˈmɪd.l̩/
日本語 (Japanese): (空間的に)『まん中の』 / (時間・順序・数量などが)『中間の』,まん中の / 『平均の』,中ぐらいの / 《M-》(言語史で)中期の / 《the~》(場所・地域の)『まん中』,『中央』《+『of』+『名』》 / (時間・順序などの)まん中,(行為などの)最中《+『of』+『名』+(do『ing』)》 / 《話》《the~,one's~》(人の)胴,腰
中国话 (Simplifized):中间 (zhōngjiān)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers) The first fatality from Mers was recorded in June 2012 in Saudi Arabia Mers is caused by a new type of coronavirus, a type of virus which includes the common cold and Sars (severe acute respiratory syndrome).

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Middle England The two women each had different pitches, though - the former had run a big government department, she said, while the latter described herself as "a fresh start".

Piece (14 回使われました) (Level 1)
Pronunciation: UK /piːs/ US /piːs/
日本語 (Japanese): (全体から分離した)『部分』,『断片』,破片 / (…の)…『個』,『片』,枚《+『of』+『名』》 / (セット・グループを構成するものの)一つ;(ゲームで使う)こま,チェスの歩(pawn)以外のこま / 《英》硬貨(coin) / (音楽・美術・文学などの)作品《+『of』+『名』》 / 銃,砲,ピストル / 《単位として》(布などの)1反,一巻き《+『of』+『名』》;《the~》仕事量 / 《俗》(性交の対象としての)女 / …‘を'継ぎ合わせる / …‘を'継ぎ合わせて作る / …‘を'繕う
中国话 (Simplifized):片 (piàn)
漢語 (Traditional):片 [ㄆㄧㄢˋ] (piàn)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
A piece of land has broken off Uganda's mainland and has been floating around Lake Victoria for close to four months.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
A piece of paper found with the hair said "A single hair of Napoleon Bonaparte's head 29th August 1816" and "5th May 1821' - the date Napoleon died.

Computer (14 回使われました) (Level 2)
Pronunciation: UK /kəmˈpjuː.tər/ US /-t̬ɚ/
日本語 (Japanese): 『計算機』;『電子計算機』
中国话 (Simplifized):计算机 (jìsuànjī)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Computer science is consistently in the top 10 for applications - but also has one of the highest dropout rates.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Computer pioneer and codebreaker Alan Turing kept his sexuality a secret while working at Bletchley Park, GCHQ's forerunner, during World War Two.

Technical (14 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈtek.nɪ.kəl/ US /ˈtek.nɪ.kəl/
日本語 (Japanese): 『専門の』,専門的な / 『工業の』,工芸の / 技術の,技術上の
中国话 (Simplifized):技术 (jìshù)
漢語 (Traditional):技術 [ㄐㄧˋㄕㄨˋ] (jìshù)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Technical innovations are exponentially automating routine manual labour and now cognitive work too.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Technical experts met several hours earlier to continue deliberations.

Minimum (14 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈmɪn.ɪ.məm/ US /ˈmɪn.ɪ.məm/
日本語 (Japanese): 《通例単数形で》『最小限』,最小量 / (数学で)極小,最小値,極小値 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『最小限の』,最小量の
中国话 (Simplifized):最低限度 (zuìdī xiàndù)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
minimum wage Mrs Clinton has aligned herself with campaigns for higher minimum wage in the US.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Minimum initial investment in the bond was £2,000 - which, like any investment, has risks involved.

Software (14 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈsɒft.weər/ US /ˈsɑːft.wer/
日本語 (Japanese): ソフトウェア(コンピューターに関係するプログラム・手順・規則などの文書類の総称)
中国话 (Simplifized):软件 (ruǎnjiàn)
漢語 (Traditional):軟件 (ruǎnjiàn)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Software giant SAP has unveiled plans to invest $2bn (£1.2bn) in China in an attempt to expand its operations.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
UK software company Micro Focus has ended takeover talks with a number of suitors, saying it now plans to restart a share buy-back programme.

Improve (13 回使われました) (Level 2)
Pronunciation: UK /ɪmˈpruːv/ US /ɪmˈpruːv/
日本語 (Japanese): …‘を'『もっとよくする』,改良する,改善する / 〈時間・機会など〉‘を'『利用する』 / (…の点で)『よくなる』,りっぱになる,上達する(become better)《+『in』+『名』》
中国话 (Simplifized):提高 (tígāo)
漢語 (Traditional):提高 [ㄊㄧˊㄍㄠ] (tígāo)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Improve understanding Ms Young contracted HIV following a non-sexual attack in 2013 - for which she decided not to press charges - and prior to the video had only informed a handful of people close to her of the infection.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Improve referrals We should also remind ourselves that the workless population, especially those recently made unemployed, are at greater risk of psychiatric illness than those in work - psychiatric disorders cluster with other social factors to keep people at the bottom of society.

Class (12 回使われました) (Level 1)
Pronunciation: UK /klɑːs/ US /klæs/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈C〉(何らかの類似性を持つ)(…の)『種類』,類(sort, kind)《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《集合的に》《単数扱い》『クラス』,学級,組 / 〈U〉〈C〉(クラス単位の)『授業』;授業時間 / 〈C〉《米》《集合的に》(主に高校・大学の)同期生 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》(同程度の教育・経済力・社会的地位などを持つ)『階級』,階層 / 〈C〉(交通機関などの)『等級』 / 〈C〉(英国の大学の)試験の合格等級 / 〈C〉綱(こう)(動植物の分類で門(phylum, division)と目(もく)(order)の間) / 〈U〉《話》(その人の社会的地位を高く見せる)風格 / …'を'(…の)部類に入れる《+『名』+『among』(『with』)+『名』》,(…として)…'を'分類する《+『名』+『as』+『名』》
中国话 (Simplifized):类 (lèi)
漢語 (Traditional):類 [ㄌㄟˋ] (lèi)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Class of 2015 (left to right): Johnny Mercer, Maria Caulfield, Natalie McGarry, Tommy Sheppard, Tulip Siddiq and Jess Phillips One was a finalist on MasterChef, another is a breast cancer nurse and a third has done three tours of duty in Afghanistan.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Class theories of voting are less relevant Trying to understand why we vote the way we do has kept sociologists busy for decades.

Title (12 回使われました) (Level 2)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈtaɪ.tl̩/ US /-t̬l̩/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈C〉(…の)『題名』,題目,題《+of(to)+名》 / 〈C〉『肩書き』,称号,爵位 / 〈C〉(スポーツの)選手権,タイトル / 〈C〉〈U〉(家屋・土地の)『所有権』;権利書;権限《+to+名》 / 〈C〉〈U〉正当な権利 / …に表題を付ける;…に称号(肩書き)を与える
中国话 (Simplifized):称号 (chēnghào)
漢語 (Traditional):稱號 [ㄔㄥㄏㄠˋ] (chēnghào)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Title - Meghan Trainor. . . Source: Official Charts Company. . . .

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
The title of a World Bank research paper (back in 1999) put the question rather neatly: "Corruption in Economic Development: Beneficial Grease, Minor Annoyance, or Major Obstacle?