Eigojan!! - 英語初級者・中級者向け



Castle (10 回使われました) (Level 2)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈkɑː.sl̩/ US /ˈkæs.l̩/
日本語 (Japanese): 『城』,とりで / (一般に)大邸宅,やかた / (また『rook』)(チェスのこまの)城将 / (チェスで)〈王〉'を'ルーク(城将)で守る / 〈王が〉ルーク(城将)で守られる
中国话 (Simplifized):城堡 (Chéngbǎo)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Castle Point In Castle Point, the Conservative election bus has periodically been tailed by the UKIP white van This is a fascinating seat.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Castle Irwell too fell victim to the building boom, developers making an offer that for the land that could not be refused.

Comparison (10 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /kəmˈpær.ɪ.sən/ US /-ˈper-/
日本語 (Japanese): (…と…との)『比較』《+『of』+『名』+『with』(『to』)+『名』》;(…間の)比較《+『between』+『名』》 / (…を…に)たえること《+『of』+『名』+『with』(『to』)+『名』》 / (形容詞・副詞の)比較変化
中国话 (Simplifized):对照 (duìzhào)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Comparison of a prokaryotic cell (top - bacterium) and a eukaryotic cell (bottom) But the researchers are looking for "Loki-like" organisms in other locations, including hot springs in Yellowstone National Park, in the US, and New Zealand.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
A comparison of the DNA fingerprints in the seized ivory to their geographical map of elephant DNA enabled them to pinpoint the sites of this mass animal slaughter.

Storm (7 回使われました) (Level 2)
Pronunciation: UK /stɔːm/ US /stɔːrm/
日本語 (Japanese): 『あらし』,暴風[雨],荒天 / (感情・言動などの)『あらし』,激発《+『of』+『名』》 / (一般に)激動,波乱,騒動 / (弾丸などが)雨あられと飛ぶこと《+『of』+『名』》 / 《itを主語にして》〈天候が〉『荒れる』 / 猛然と突進する;激しく怒る / …‘を'強襲する,急襲する
中国话 (Simplifized):风暴 (fēngbào)
漢語 (Traditional):風暴 [ㄈㄥㄅㄠˋ] (fēngbào)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Storm in a tea cup?

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
'Storm in a tea cup' Mozilla - which is responsible for the Firefox browser - said its new software should be released in the "next few days".

Assistant (7 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /əˈsɪs.tənt/ US /əˈsɪs.tənt/
日本語 (Japanese): 『助手』,補佐役;店員 / 補助の,副…,助…
中国话 (Simplifized):助手 (zhùshǒu)
漢語 (Traditional):助手 [ㄓㄨˋㄕㄡˇ] (zhùshǒu)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Assistant curator of mammals, Lynsey Bugg, said the twins' mother Sabrina was doing a "great job with her young".

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Assistant Chief Constable Chris Armitt said: "Whilst Merseyside Police will facilitate peaceful protest, we will not tolerate criminal activity, or aggressive and intimidating behaviour towards staff or customers at local businesses.

Bubble (7 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈbʌb.l̩/ US /ˈbʌb.l̩/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈C〉『あわ』,あぶく / 〈U〉あわ立ち,あわ立ちの音 / 〈C〉(すぐ消える)あわのようなこと / 〈C〉『シャボン玉』 / 『あわ立つ』 / ぶくぶくと音を立てる,あわ立って流れる / 〈特に女性が〉気持をわかす,はしゃぐ《+『over』》
中国话 (Simplifized):泡沫 (pàomò)
漢語 (Traditional):泡沫 [ㄆㄠˋㄇㄛˋ] (pàomò)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
The bubble is bursting, and the Shanghai index has collapsed as a consequence," says Richard Tonge, another member of the club.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
The bubble has burst," Olivier Blanchard, director of the Research Department at the IMF, said of the Chinese stock market's wild swings.

Encourage (7 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /ɪnˈkʌr.ɪdʒ/ US /-ˈkɝː-/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈人〉‘を'『勇気づける』,励ます
中国话 (Simplifized):鼓励 (gǔlì)
漢語 (Traditional):鼓勵 [ㄍㄨˇㄌㄧˋ] (gǔlì)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
I encourage people to try it for a couple of days.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
We encourage them to take their time and feel what it is to be wealthy," she says.

Shelter (7 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈʃel.tər/ US /-t̬ɚ/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈U〉(雨・風,攻撃などからの)『保護』,避難 / 〈C〉(…からの)『避難所』,隠れ場所《+『from』+『名』》 / (…から)…‘を'『おおい隠す』《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / (…から)…‘を'保護する,かばう《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / (…から)『避難する』,避ける,隠れる《+『from』+『名』》
中国话 (Simplifized):庇护 (bìhù)
漢語 (Traditional):庇護 [ㄅㄧˋㄏㄨˋ] (bìhù)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Shelter materials and food aid have been slow to reach some areas, and many Nepalese have complained that the government is not doing enough to help those affected.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Shelter Scotland described the move to stop 18 to 21-year-olds claiming housing benefit as "shameful, unjustified and cruel".

Potato (6 回使われました) (Level 1)
Pronunciation: UK /pəˈteɪ.təʊ/ US /-t̬oʊ/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈C〉〈U〉『ジャガイモ』 / (また『potato plant』)〈C〉ジャガイモをつける植物 / 〈C〉〈U〉《おもに米》サツマイモ(sweet potato)
中国话 (Simplifized):土豆 (tǔdòu)
漢語 (Traditional):土豆 [ㄊㄨˇㄉㄡˋ] (tǔdòu)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Potato tubers provide starch and vitamins in abundance, but the fruits of the plants are to be avoided - they contain solanine, one of the poisonous alkaloids of the Nightshade family.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Potato waste is also used from a plant in nearby Weymouth.

Formal (6 回使われました) (Level 2)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈfɔː.məl/ US /ˈfɔːr-/
日本語 (Japanese): 『正式の』,公式の,本式の / 形式ばった;改まった / 形式的な,表面的な
中国话 (Simplifized):正式 (zhèngshì)
漢語 (Traditional):正式 [ㄓㄥˋㄕˋ] (zhèngshì)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Formal identification is yet to take place.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Formal induction is a fairly common procedure that means starting labour artificially using drugs.

Porch (6 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /pɔːtʃ/ US /pɔːrtʃ/
日本語 (Japanese): ポーチ(母屋(おもや)から張り出した玄関,車寄せ,入り口部分) / 《米》ベランダ
中国话 (Simplifized):门廊 (ménláng)
漢語 (Traditional):門廊 [ㄇㄣˊㄌㄤˊ] (ménláng)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
We put it into the porch area of our tent and simply went to sleep.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Harris Cheramie sits on the porch of the Leeville Seafood restaurant, and looks out over the town's one dusty street.