Eigojan!! - 英語初級者・中級者向け



Frost (3 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /frɒst/ US /frɑːst/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈U〉〈C〉『霜』;霜が降りること / 〈U〉例の降りる寒さ;《英》氷点以下の温度 / 〈C〉《話》《軽べつして》《催しなどの》失敗,しくじり,(劇なじの)不入り,失敗作 / …‘を'霜で覆う / …‘を'霜枯れにさせる,(霜のように冷たい雨などで)凍らせる / (糖衣・砂糖などを)〈ケーキなど〉‘に'まぶす,かぶせる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 〈ガラス〉‘を'つや消しにする / 〈物が〉霜で覆われる《+『over』》 / 《itを主語にして》霜を結ぶ,凍る
中国话 (Simplifized):霜 (Shuāng)
漢語 (Traditional):霜 [ㄕㄨㄤ] (Shuāng)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Frost & Sullivan's head of technology research in Japan, Marc Einstein, said Sharp had been "very much a victim of globalisation".

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Frost submitted 31 articles in her case.

Razor (2 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈreɪ.zər/ US /-zɚ/
日本語 (Japanese): 『かみそり』
中国话 (Simplifized):剃刀 (tìdāo)
漢語 (Traditional):剃刀 [ㄊㄧˋㄉㄠ] (tìdāo)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Razor wire - or 'Nato wire' as it is known in Hungarian - is being assembled for use Vast areas of land are being prepared for the barrier Earth-moving machines have already carved a brown scar through the woods from Tiszasziget, a village on the border just south of Szeged, at one end of the border with Serbia, to Hercegszanto at the other end.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
The razor wire at the top of the wall scarred his hands.

Teapot (1 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈtiː.pɒt/ US /-pɑːt/
日本語 (Japanese): (紅茶を入れるときに使う)きゅうす,ティーポット
中国话 (Simplifized):茶壶 (cháhú)
漢語 (Traditional):茶壺 [ㄔㄚˊㄏㄨˊ] (cháhú)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
And are about as much use as a chocolate teapot," said user YUG.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Wrapping cups, spoons, a jug and the second-best teapot in a tattered traycloth, we would set off for the sands.

Closet (1 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈklɒz.ɪt/ US /ˈklɑː.zɪt/
日本語 (Japanese): 《おもに米》(衣類・食料などを入れる)『戸棚』,物置き,納戸(なんど) / 《まれ》(一般に読書・打ち合わせ,特に祈り・瞑想に用いる)小室,小部屋 / 《古》便所 / …'を'私室に閉じ込める / 私室で使う(楽しむ)のにふさわしい
中国话 (Simplifized):壁橱 (bìchú)
漢語 (Traditional):壁櫥 [ㄅㄧˋㄔㄨˊ] (bìchú)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Not WC, meaning "water closet", widely in use in cafes, bars, restaurants and so on to denote a toilet.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
In the end, the janitor's closet was converted into the crypt where Smithson rests today.

Impulse (1 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈɪm.pʌls/ US /ˈɪm.pʌls/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈U〉〈C〉(心の)『衝動』,一時の感情,でき心 / 〈C〉『衝撃』,推進力(push);刺激 / 〈C〉インパルス(短時間だけ続く電流) / 〈C〉(神経細胞が起こす)衝動
中国话 (Simplifized):冲动 (chōngdòng)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Impulse purchase Image copyright Getty Images "Great story," posted Luvperu Polly.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
The impulse here seems to be to utterly subdue nature − clip it, dig it, and generally concrete it over until a casual passer-by has difficulty in distinguishing front garden from front room.

Hesitate (1 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈhez.ɪ.teɪt/ US /ˈhez.ɪ.teɪt/
日本語 (Japanese): 『ためらう』,ちゅうちょする / 口ごもる,どもる
中国话 (Simplifized):迟疑 (chíyí)
漢語 (Traditional):遲疑 [ㄔˊㄧˊ] (chíyí)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
I hesitate to romanticise or make it something superstitious by saying she was born a saint or prophet but I felt an immediate attachment to her.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
I hesitate before the deep maroon shop front.

Salty (1 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈsɒl.ti/ US /ˈsɑːl.t̬i/
日本語 (Japanese): 塩のきいた,塩辛い / 《話》海の,船乗りの;海上生活の / ぴりっとしたところのある,辛らつな
中国话 (Simplifized):咸 (xián)
漢語 (Traditional):咸 [ㄒㄧㄢˊ] (xián)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Even in super-salty or acidic lakes, toxic dumps, and even boiling pools, some bugs are capable of eking out an existence.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
I ate lots of salty mashed potato and gravy.