Eigojan!! - 英語初級者・中級者向け



Giant (26 回使われました) (Level 2)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈdʒaɪ.ənt/ US /ˈdʒaɪ.ənt/
日本語 (Japanese): 『大男』;(物語・伝説の)『巨人』 / 『大人物』,偉人 / 『巨大な物』 / 巨大な,ものすごく大きい
中国话 (Simplifized):巨人 (Jùrén)
漢語 (Traditional):巨人 [ㄐㄩˋㄖㄣˊ] (Jùrén)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Giant TV screens have been placed across the capital so that those away from the stage can watch the ceremony.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
giant's stride Victorian playground equipment, Hunstanworth, County Durham A giant's stride was once a common piece of playground equipment.

Alcohol (26 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈæl.kə.hɒl/ US /-hɑːl/
日本語 (Japanese): 『アルコール』,酒精 / 『アルコール飲料』,酒
中国话 (Simplifized):酒精 (jiǔjīng)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine will be excluded, and there are also exemptions for food and medical products, while controlled drugs will continue to be regulated by existing laws.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
alcohol can be toxic, and although there have been unconfirmed anecdotes of non-human primates consuming it in the wild, this is the first time that researchers have recorded and measured voluntary alcohol consumption in any wild ape.

Search (24 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /sɜːtʃ/ US /sɝːtʃ/
日本語 (Japanese): (…を求めて)〈ある場所・人の体など〉‘を'『くまなく捜す』,撤底的に捜す《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / …‘を'『綿密に調査する』(probe) / (…を)綿密に調査する《+『into』+『名』》 / (…を求めて…を)『くまなく捜す』《+『through』+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / 『捜索』;調査;(を)捜すこと《+『for』(『of』)+『名』》
中国话 (Simplifized):搜索 (sōusuǒ)
漢語 (Traditional):搜索 [ㄙㄡㄙㄨㄛˇ] (sōusuǒ)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
search engine inquiry The Commission also announced a new inquiry into the role that search engines, app stores and social media networks play in the digital market.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Search the web for an "allergy test" and you are presented with a bewildering array of tests that are available at a click of a button, no doctor required.

Nurse (22 回使われました) (Level 1)
Pronunciation: UK /nɜːs/ US /nɝːs/
日本語 (Japanese): 『看護人』,看護婦 / 子守(dry nurse) / 『乳母』(うば)(wet nurse) / ‘を'『看護する』,看病する / 〈幼児〉‘に'授乳する / 〈病気・けが〉‘を'治そうと努める / 《話》…‘を'注意して扱う,たいせつに扱う / …‘を'大事に育てる / (心に)〈ある感情〉‘を'いだく / 看護人(看護婦)として働く / 授乳する / 〈幼児が〉乳を飲む
中国话 (Simplifized):护士 (hùshì)
漢語 (Traditional):護士 [ㄏㄨˋㄕˋ] (hùshì)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Nurse Rebecca Leighton was initially suspected and spent six weeks in custody.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Nurse Sean Murray, from Ashington, Northumberland, who won the BBC's Great Chelsea Garden Challenge, has designed a display for the main avenue at the show.

Strike (21 回使われました) (Level 2)
Pronunciation: UK /straɪk/ US /straɪk/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈人〉‘を'『なぐる』;〈物〉‘を'『たたく』,打つ / 〈打撃・攻撃〉‘を'加える;…‘を'打撃を加える / 〈人が〉(;に)…‘を'『ぶつける』,たたきつける,衝突させる《+名+on(against)+名》 / 〈物が〉…‘に'ぶつかる,突き当たる / (…に)〈刃物など〉‘を'突き刺す《+名+into+名》;(…で)〈人〉‘を'突き刺す《+名+with+名》 / 〈マッチ〉‘を'する〈火・火花〉‘を'打って出す / 〈時計が〉〈時刻〉‘を'『たつ』;(楽企で)〈音〉‘を'出す《+名+on(with)+名》 / 〈目・耳・鼻〉‘を'打つ,捕らえる / 〈人,人の心〉‘を'『打つ』,感じさせる,感銘させる / 〈物事が〉〈人,人の心〉‘に'浮かぶ,思い当たる / …に行き当たる,‘を'ふと見つける / 〈病気,苦痛などが〉…‘を'襲う,悩ませる《+down+名,+名+down》 / 《しばしば受動態で》〈物事が〉〈人〉‘を'打ちのめす,圧倒する / (…に)〈恐怖など〉‘を'起こさせる,吹き込む《+名+into+名》 / (…から)…‘を',削除する《+名+out of(from, off)+名》 / 〈貨幣・メダルなど〉‘を'打って造り出す,鋳造する / 〈植物が〉〈根〉‘を'張る,降ろす / 〈ある態度・姿勢〉‘を'とる / 〈契約〉‘を'結ぶ;〈収支〉‘を'決算する;〈平均〉‘を'出す / 〈テントなど〉‘を'取りはずす…〈船・旗など〉‘を'降ろす / 〈組合・組合員が〉〈仕事〉‘を'中止してストライキに入る;〈工場・雇用者など〉‘に'ストライキを宣言する / (…めがけて)『打さ』,攻撃する;(…を)たたく《+at+名》 / (…に)『ぶつかる』,衝突する《+against(on, upon(+名)》 / (…に)〈光・音などが〉当たる《+on(upon)+名》 / 〈物事が〉印象を与える,(ある)感じを与える / (考えなどを)ふと思いつく《+on(upon)+名》 / 〈マッチなどが〉火が単,発光する / 〈時計・鐘などが〉鳴る;〈時刻などが〉打ち鳴らされる / 〈さし木などが〉根づく,根が出る / (…の方向へ)向かう,行く,進む《+toward(for,into,to)+名》 / 〈組合・組合員が〉(…を要求して,…に反対して)ストライキを行う《+for(against)+名》 / 『ストライキ』 / (野球で)『ストライク』 / (金鉱・石油などの)掘当て;大もうけ / 功撃,(特に)航空攻撃 空襲
中国话 (Simplifized):罢工 (bàgōng)
漢語 (Traditional):罷工 [ㄅㄚˋㄍㄨㄥ] (bàgōng)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Strike laws are on the agenda with the Tories promising "significant changes".

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
strike laws reform The new business secretary, Sajid Javid, has said it will be a government priority to reform strike laws.

Science (20 回使われました) (Level 1)
Pronunciation: UK /saɪəns/ US /saɪəns/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈U〉『科学』;(特に)自然科学 / 〈C〉(個々の)科学,学問 / 〈U〉〈C〉(修練を要する)技術,わざ
中国话 (Simplifized):科学 (kēxué)
漢語 (Traditional):科學 [ㄎㄜㄒㄩㄝˊ] (kēxué)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Science is as clear as day when it comes to drilling in the Arctic - the only safe place for these dirty fuels is in the ground.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Science, and the generation of knowledge, is at the basis of all sustainable economic growth and the public good, and to cut it at all is a bad thing," he argued.

Arrest (19 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /əˈrest/ US /əˈrest/
日本語 (Japanese): (…の罪で)…'を'『逮捕する』,検挙する《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / 〈進歩など〉'を'止める / 〈注意など〉'を'ひく / 逮捕,検挙 / 止めること,阻止,停止
中国话 (Simplifized):逮捕 (dàibǔ)
漢語 (Traditional):逮捕 [ㄉㄞˋㄅㄨˇ] (dàibǔ)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
arrest data made public by the city government and reviewed by the BBC showed that Baltimore police made 791 arrests from 1 May to 16 May - the most recent data available.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Arrest the 14-year-old and take him to prison?

Camera (17 回使われました) (Level 1)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈkæm.rə/ US /ˈkæm.rə/
日本語 (Japanese): 『カメラ』,写真機 / テレビ[用]カメラ
中国话 (Simplifized):相机 (xiàngjī)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
A camera roamed up and down to record my scan while a recorded voice issued instructions After several full spins of the turntable, I appeared on the screen as a 3D preview Instead, Mr Berwick says the business now targets families, parents and pet owners - people who want a keepsake of someone dear to them.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
The camera company said it had received the results of an investigation into management responsibility for the scandal.

Address (17 回使われました) (Level 2)
Pronunciation: UK /əˈdres/ US /ˈæd.res/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈C〉『あて名』,住所 / 〈C〉『演説』;(口頭・文書による)あいさつの言葉(speech) / 《文》〈U〉話しぶり,応対のしかた / 〈U〉(物事を扱う)手ぎわのよさ,如才なさ / 《複数形で》くどき,求愛,求婚 / …‘に'『あてて手紙』(『小包』)『を出す』 / (人にあてて)…‘の'あて名を書いて出す《+『名』+『to』+『名』〈人〉》 / (…と)〈人〉‘に'『話にかける』,呼びかける《+『名』+『as』+『名』》 / …‘に'演説する,講演する / (…に)〈抗議など〉'を'向ける《+『名』+『to』+『名』》
中国话 (Simplifized):地址 (dìzhǐ)
漢語 (Traditional):地址 [ㄉㄧˋㄓˇ] (dìzhǐ)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
To address these concerns, we would like to reiterate that no player has been barred from entering the tournament at any point and all players are welcome to be part of the tournament.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
To address the shortfall, it has cut fuel and food subsidies.

Specialist (17 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈspeʃ.əl.ɪst/ US /ˈspeʃ.əl.ɪst/
日本語 (Japanese): 専門家 / 専門医
中国话 (Simplifized):专家 (zhuānjiā)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Specialist care can be provided as international surgeons volunteer to spend time in the hospital.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Specialist firefighters from Hampshire were winched on board to assess the ship before it completed its journey.