Eigojan!! - 英語初級者・中級者向け



Instance (17 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈɪn.stəns/ US /ˈɪn.stəns/
日本語 (Japanese): 『例』,実例 / 場合 / …‘を'例に引く
中国话 (Simplifized):例子 (Lìzi)
漢語 (Traditional):例子 [ㄌㄧˋㄗ˙] (Lìzi)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
For instance, Mr Samuels of Situ says the firm will often go to a welder nearby when it can't keep up with demand or when the firm has a particularly tricky bit of metal work that it needs to finish.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
For instance, Clacton's organisers say they expect 200,000 over the weekend - the same figure as last year.

Agricultural (16 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˌæɡ.rɪˈkʌl.tʃər.əl/ US /-tʃɚ.əl/
日本語 (Japanese): 『農業の』,農耕の;農学[上]の
中国话 (Simplifized):农业的 (nóngyè de)
漢語 (Traditional):農業的 (nóngyè de)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Agricultural users are also continuing to look at conservation and supply augmentation to increase resilience and even expand production.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Agricultural consultant Wyn Ellis was stopped at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport and told he had been reported as a threat to national security.

Engagement (16 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ.mənt/ US /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ.mənt/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈C〉『約束』,契約,取り決め;(会合などの)約束,予約《+『for』+『名』》;(人との)約束《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈C〉『婚約』;婚約期間 / 〈C〉雇用;雇用期間 / 〈C〉会戦,交戦 / 《複数形で》債務,負債 / 〈U〉〈C〉(歯車などの)かみ合わせ
中国话 (Simplifized):订婚 (dìnghūn)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Engagement across our family of apps keeps growing, and we remain focused on improving the quality of our services.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Engagement "What our fans have been interested in hasn't changed significantly over 100 years," says Man Utd's group managing director, Richard Arnold.

Promising (15 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈprɒm.ɪ.sɪŋ/ US /ˈprɑː.mɪ-/
日本語 (Japanese): 『前途有望な』,見込みのある,期待できる
中国话 (Simplifized):有希望 (yǒu xīwàng)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
'Promising future' He said the victim's family has been "devastated" by the murder.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
'Promising' The WHO says it is so far 100% effective, although that figure may change as more data is collected.

Constant (15 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈkɒn.stənt/ US /ˈkɑːn-/
日本語 (Japanese): 『不変の』,一定の / 『絶え間のない』,不断の,繰り返される / 《文》〈人が〉心変わりしない;(…に対して)誠実な,貞節な《+『to』+『名』》 / (数学で)常数;(化学・物理分析などにおける)定量
中国话 (Simplifized):不变 (bù biàn)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Constant power cuts have angered many Iraqis, who blame the government Mr Abadi's seven-point plan also includes a requirement for a number of government positions to be filled with political independents - a move aimed at cracking down on corruption.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Constant reminder #Ebola is still here with trading restrictions & "Avoid Body Contact" policy.

Modest (15 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈmɒd.ɪst/ US /ˈmɑː.dɪst/
日本語 (Japanese): 『謙そんした』,謙虚な;控え目な / (特に女性について)品のいい,しとやかな / じみな,質素な(simple) / (量・規模・程度が)中ぐらいの,並の(moderate)
中国话 (Simplifized):谦虚 (qiānxū)
漢語 (Traditional):謙虛 [ㄑㄧㄢㄒㄩ] (qiānxū)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
modest recovery The developed economies are expected to manage slightly stronger growth than before, reflecting the modest recovery in the eurozone and the return of growth in Japan, though that looks tentative at best.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
'Modest demand' Speaking on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show, Mr Hammond said he believed treaty change would be needed so that any future measures agreed on, such as restricting EU migrants' welfare entitlement, could be "sustained against judicial attack".

Combination (14 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /ˌkɒm.bɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ US /ˌkɑːm-/
日本語 (Japanese): 組み合わせ ( kumiawase )
中国话 (Simplifized):组合 (zǔhé)
漢語 (Traditional):組合 [ㄗㄨˇㄏㄜˊ] (zǔhé)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
A combination of these scenarios is probably most likely, Dr Wilson said.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
A combination of red, white and blue - to represent the union flag - was commonplace.

Sympathy (14 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈsɪm.pə.θi/ US /ˈsɪm.pə.θi/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈U〉『共感』,思いやり / 〈U〉《時に複数形で》(…に対する)『同情』,哀れみ《+for(with)+名》 / 〈U〉《時に複数形で》(…に対する)弔慰,お見舞《+for+名》 / 〈U〉《時に複数形で》(…に対する)『共鳴』,賛成,好意《+with+名(wh-節)》
中国话 (Simplifized):同情 (tóngqíng)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
'sympathy' to family Police said their "sympathy and thoughts are with the family" and they would make no comment on the circumstances until they had ended their inquiries.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
My sympathy and thoughts to Oliver's family.

Edition (14 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ɪˈdɪʃ.ən/ US /ɪˈdɪʃ.ən/
日本語 (Japanese): (刊行物の)『版』;(同じ版で同時に刷った)全発行部数;(同じ版の)1冊(部) / 《修飾語[句]を伴って》(装丁などから見た)…版,体裁
中国话 (Simplifized):版 (bǎn)
漢語 (Traditional):版 [ㄅㄢˇ] (bǎn)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
The edition has embraced a Kenyan outlook and has created a cosy relationship with readers.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
The edition (in Danish) led with an article by a journalist from Iraqi Kurdistan focusing on the plight of women left behind when men migrate.

Careful (13 回使われました) (Level 1)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈkeə.fəl/ US /ˈker-/
日本語 (Japanese): (人が)『注意深い』,慎重な,気をつける / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…を)『たいせつにする』,気にかける《+『of』+『名』(『wh-節』)》 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(仕事などが)『入念な』,綿密な
中国话 (Simplifized):小心 (xiǎoxīn)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Careful consideration should be given to the setting of homework, fostering and nurturing aspiration, high quality and age-appropriate education and careers advice, and inspirational high-calibre teachers," it added.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
'Careful' Japan, which is the world's third largest economy, last week announced a revised fall in private consumption to 0.7% from a previous estimate of 0.8%.

Advise (13 回使われました) (Level 2)
Pronunciation: UK /ədˈvaɪz/ US /ədˈvaɪz/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈人〉‘に'〈事〉'を'『忠告する』,助言する,すすめる / (おもに商取引き用語で)…‘に'通知する,知らせる / (…について)忠告する《+『on』+『名』》 / 《米》(…と)相談する《+『with』+『名』》
中国话 (Simplifized):劝 (quàn)
漢語 (Traditional):勸 [ㄑㄩㄢˋ] (quàn)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Advise the casualty to seek medical help if they develop signs of a worsening head injury - like dizziness or nausea, confusion and loss of memory of events preceding the injury.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
I advise you to learn jiu-jitsu.

Rough (13 回使われました) (Level 2)
Pronunciation: UK /rʌf/ US /rʌf/
日本語 (Japanese): (表面が)『粗い』,ざらざらした,きめの粗い・でこぼこの / (動きなどが)『荒っぽい』;(空・海などが)荒れた / (人・態度などが)『粗野な』,荒々しい,無作法な / 『おおよその』,あらましの / (ダイヤモンドなど)自然のままの,未加工の / 《話》困難な,つらい,ひどい;(…に)ひどい,むごい《+『on』+『名』》 / (生活が)非文化的な,不便な / 毛深い,毛むくじゃらの,毛が刈ってない / …‘を'乱暴(手荒)に扱う《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / 〈計画・作品など〉‘の'概略を書く,‘を'ざっと下書きする《+『in』(『out』)+『名,』+『名』+『in』(『out』)》 / 〈物の表面など〉‘を'ざらざらにする / 手荒く,乱暴に / 〈U〉《the rough》ラフ(ゴルフのコースで芝をはったフェアウェイ以外の部分) / 〈C〉乱暴者
中国话 (Simplifized):粗 (cū)
漢語 (Traditional):粗 [ㄘㄨ] (cū)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
'Rough justice' Her defence also told jurors at least two other nurses had given Mr Gafney similar doses in the days leading up his death.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
It is a rough interpretation of Malcolm Turnbull's surname, a play on the Chinese words "tang/tian" (which means sweet) and "bao", the Chinese word for bun.

Repeat (13 回使われました) (Level 2)
Pronunciation: UK /rɪˈpiːt/ US /rɪˈpiːt/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈自分がすでに一度言ったこと)‘を'『繰り返して言う』 / 〈他人の言ったこと〉‘を'おうむ返しに言う;…‘を'他の人に繰り返して言う / …‘を'『暗記して言う』,暗唱する / …‘を'繰り返して行う(do again) / (食べたあとで)〈食物の〉味が残る / 〈小数が〉循環する / 繰り返すこと,反復すること / 繰り返されるもの,(公演の)再演;(番組の)再放送 / 反復楽節;反復記号(∥: :∥)
中国话 (Simplifized):重复 (chóngfù)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Repeat these steps for all the usernames you want to build a key for.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Repeat this step for each additional username you added client.

Horrible (13 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈhɒr.ɪ.bl̩/ US /ˈhɔːr-/
日本語 (Japanese): 『恐ろしい』,身の毛のよだつ / 《話》『ひどくいやな』;ひどい
中国话 (Simplifized):可怕 (kěpà)
漢語 (Traditional):可怕 [ㄎㄜˇㄆㄚˋ] (kěpà)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Horrible Histories: Blitzed Brits looks at how the bombing came about - and the devastation and death that was caused in the nightly raids.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
'Horrible month' Easyjet said the second half of the financial year had got off to a bad start.

Shame (13 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /ʃeɪm/ US /ʃeɪm/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈U〉『恥ずかしさ』,羞恥(しゅうち)心 / 〈U〉『恥』,恥辱,不名誉 / 〈C〉》単数形で》《話》『恥になる人』(『物』,『事』),面汚し,名折れ / 〈C〉《単数形で》残念なこと,遺憾なこと / 〈人〉‘を'『恥じさせる』,赤面させる / 〈人〉‘の'不名誉になる,面目をつぶす
中国话 (Simplifized):耻辱 (chǐrǔ)
漢語 (Traditional):恥辱 [ㄔˇㄖㄨˇ] (chǐrǔ)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Shame has long been part of the parenting repertoire.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
shame - and a warning Social media users are paying their last respects to blogger Ananta Bijoy Das, with some expressing shame and regret.

Refuse (13 回使われました) (Level 3)
Pronunciation: UK /rɪˈfjuːz/ US /rɪˈfjuːz/
日本語 (Japanese): …‘を'『断る』,拒む / 拒絶する,断る
中国话 (Simplifized):拒绝 (jùjué)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
I refuse to retrace my steps now.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
I refuse to be reduced to a type because of my hair, boxed into the category of "beautiful because she has long hair", "successful because she long hair", perhaps even "married because she has long hair".

Establishment (13 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ.mənt/ US /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ.mənt/
日本語 (Japanese): 〈U〉(…の)『設立』,設置;確立,樹立;制定;立証《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(確立された)『制度』,秩序 / 《the E-》『体制』,権力機構;英国国教会 / 〈C〉(土地・家財道具・使用人などを含む)住居,家,世帯 / 〈C〉(公共または私設の)施設,機構(営業所・事業所・店・ホテル・食堂・学校・病院・図書館など);《集合的に》施設(機構)を構成する人々
中国话 (Simplifized):编制 (biānzhì)
漢語 (Traditional):編制 [ㄅㄧㄢㄓˋ] (biānzhì)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
The establishment of a worldwide taskforce with a sensible overall concept and adequate funding is undoubtedly a goal for the medium term, but we should be looking at it even now.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
The establishment was outraged and campaigners Lord Longford and Mary Whitehouse ensured that no one under 18, Cole's target audience, would be allowed to see it.

Immense (13 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ɪˈmens/ US /ɪˈmens/
日本語 (Japanese): (大きさ・広がり・程度などが)『巨大な』,多大な,測り知れない / 《話》すばらしい,すてきな
中国话 (Simplifized):巨大 (jùdà)
漢語 (Traditional):巨大 [ㄐㄩˋㄉㄚˋ] (jùdà)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
'Immense gratitude' The two-page statement reiterated that Rowling "did not at any point criticise or complain about her treatment at the hands of fellow churchgoers.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
'Immense legacy' Irish President Michael D Higgins said Friel was "one of the giants of Irish literature, and a great Irishman".

Judgment (13 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈdʒʌdʒ.mənt/ US /ˈdʒʌdʒ.mənt/
日本語 (Japanese): 判決 ( hanketsu )
中国话 (Simplifized):判断 (pànduàn)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Judgment was reserved to a later date.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
A judgment will be announced on 10 December.

Hillside (13 回使われました) (Level 4)
Pronunciation: UK /ˈhɪl.saɪd/ US /ˈhɪl.saɪd/
日本語 (Japanese): 丘の斜面
中国话 (Simplifized):山坡 (shānpō)
漢語 (Traditional):山坡 [ㄕㄢㄆㄛ] (shānpō)

例文1 (1st sample sentense):
Since starting life at Hillside Animal Sanctuary, in Norfolk, he has been castrated and his outlook has changed.

例文2 (2nd sample sentense):
Ba, 62, lives in a house on a hillside in Nolsoy.